
Archive for the ‘Fun’ Category

Official Nokia World 2010 recap video

September 26, 2010 6 comments

Now here’s something nice to start your Sunday morning with – a Nokia World 2010 recap video from the official Nokia YouTube channel. What’s so amazing about it is that it wraps up the huge event that was held in London in just under 3 minutes! Quite a feat I must admit, but I also wonder how long did the editing take… Some of the things that were briefly touched upon: the Ovi evening event, keynote speeches, Nokia Push projects,  Q&A sessions with Nokia E7 and C7 product managers and the grand finale of  ‘make my app’ contest. Of course there’s also a bit of camera time with the group of bloggers who attended the event, and that includes a few short interviews. Someone reported seeing me in the video as well, but I can neither confirm nor deny such rumors 😛

And rest assured, the things that didn’t make it in the video weren’t as exciting, like me wasting time looking for food at the event or breaking my nails doing this bit

Categories: Cseries, Eseries, Event, Fun, Nokia, OVI

Cool Nokia C6 unboxing

The Nokia C6 has been harshly treated in opinion for being called boring or N97 mini clone even though its getting some good reviews in from people that have used the device. You can read Sergejs Cuhrajs excellent review of the C6 here

Well on the 18th August there was this event called the #NokiaBox well known Nokia bloggers around the world where invited to take part in an event organised by the awesome people at WOMWorld/Nokia thay deffinitly know how to organise creative and fun events, some blogs started rumblings on what the event could be about, some said the N8 officially going for sale, some said the N9 launching (REALLY!!!) but in the end it wasn’t it was all about the C6.


Categories: Cseries, Event, Fun, News, Nokia, Symbian

F-Zero X on the Nokia N900

What do you get when you combine a great game on the greatest gaming console ever created (IMO :-)) with the most underrated phone on the planet. Yep you guessed it some AMAZING gaming on the N900 I wonder how many phones can do this huh?

Categories: Fun, Games, Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Video

Connecting People ….. Nokia are flattered

As you all know Apple announced the iPhone 4 on Monday with relatively underwhelming features, that were made to look like Apple invented them, by using buzzwords and other things that would make an average American journalist pee in their pants in excitement.

Now at these Apple keynotes at the end of the keynote Steve usually shows off a video where  basically Apple’s management get together and try to sell their products as hard as they can using words as “Magical”, “Revolutionary” and so forth.

Now with this particular iPhone 4 video Scott Forstall was talking about how “FaceTime” (Video calling) was gonna change everything again and how Apple are all about connecting people. Now you heard that right, CONNECTING PEOPLE!!! Nokia’s slogan for like donkeys years, and now Apple come in and bring out bullshit statements on how they are gonna change how people will communicate forever using Video calling feature, a technology so old that no one cares any more.

Well as Nokia has a pretty big social network web presence they posted their response on their official blog which you can read here by saying:

“we are flattered”

pretty funny and light hearted I would say.

I will admit that we haven’t seen a comparable device from Nokia in years or what the media want to call the “iPhone” killer but when was the last time Apple released REVOLUTIONARY features to the iPhone since its original introduction in 2007 ?

Now I don’t mean a 5 megapixel camera or LED flash or wallpapers, REAL REVOLUTIONARY things, well i cant remember.

Apple  are at this phase now where they are coasting and releasing small features and because they are Apple the media will still pee in their pants for excitement, when a traditional handset maker makes incremental upgrades they get slated, anyway just wanted to release some anger based on the treatment Nokia the media.

Let me know what you think in the comments

Now back to the World Cup for me 🙂

Free Game: Connect4 for the Nokia N97 (5800, Samsung i8910 and other S60 5th Edition)

July 30, 2009 1 comment

mgHere’s another of a growing number of free gems on the Ovi Store for your N97 (or other S60 5th Edition phone)


You can play in single player mode against the computer or go against a person in two player mode. Drop your discs and connect 4. Simple, but really fun.

To download, you have to find it in the Ovi Store.(I can’t link it to you as you’ll just get, “Sorry this item is no longer available” as accessing the store is account-based.

Unfortunately, (at time of writing) it’s horrendously difficult to search for apps using the actual app’s name on Ovi Store. I don’t know why.

Go to the Games directory and filter out “Show Free only”.


(More demo vids in next post – gtg)

The Mapsters Game (Prizes to be won!)

September 11, 2008 3 comments

There’s an addicting game over at that tests out your knowledge of world geography; and if you’re good enough, your high score could get you the Nokia 6120 Navigator, Navigation Licence to unlock the full potential of your Nokia Maps software and even some mapster toys! Maptor’s my personal favourite already, haha.

The game is actually on the bottom right of the screen. I clicked select Mapster at first and just got confused as to how that was addictive, but the actual proper game itself is quite fun. A name of a city appears and you must, against the clock, get your map pin centered as close as you can to where you think it is. Then submit your score along with your email and you could if your score is high enough get a prize. The more times you play, the more city locations you’ll (hopefully) remember.

Below you’ll see my shocking 3641km miss of Moscow. Hey, at least I was still in Russia. :p

I have 2 hours left to do a day’s worth of packing as I’m moving out to Uni again, but gonna play some more and try and get Maptor! Aww, look at that tail!

Arrived in Amsterdam!

December 4, 2007 Leave a comment

Still very pleased with the consistently quick satellite locking times of the N82. I was able to get it out in short bursts on the way to the airport just to check where the driver had been going (I swear he went past the same museum 5 times).

Amsterdam – lovely place, quain, almost English architechture. Lots and lots of people on bikes though; and it seems exactly the same type of bike… and everyone rides with no hands on the bars (one on the phone, the other in the pocket) haha. Met the whole Amsterdam-WOM group – everyone’s awesome!

Got through quite a few interesting presentations today, actually arriving in the middle of media Porn business (yes, I too thought, wtf, but it had a lot of relevancy to the whole Nokia marketing strategy…well it made sense at the time), then Nokia UI vision: Point and Find, MobiYouTube, and Swipe and Pay mobile wallets. More on this is future posts.

I also finally got to play with the N810. Super quick initial thoughts…I hate the wobble on the slider, and the buttons on the face. But other than that, it’s really nice. Brighter screen, touch screen is way more responsive (I was able to draw without lagging unlike the N800 even on latest firmware) and of course the qwerty keypad. It was nicer to input text on that I thought, and perhaps with some practice it would get easier to use.

Anyway, must dash, everyone is leaving again for the party tonight!

Missed out on Maroon 5, got Pop4real autographed N81 CD ^_^

September 18, 2007 Leave a comment

The only member of the London Go Play group that got to see Maroon 5 in the evening was Scott from N-Gage Forums (EMO15). Lucky git had Adam Levine inches from him swapping Hi’s! *jealous*

The following day, I met up with the Go Play crew, played around with the new devices and went for a tour around London (we went on an amphibious duck boat/bus around the Thames).

Anyway, today I received a box with a Go Play poster and a signed N81 CD by POP4REAL, lol, Nokia Nseries’ latest big thing :p

(Click to enlarge)

If you haven’t seen the group, here’s the music video:

Here’s the poster.

(Click to enlarge)

Hmm…I’m not exactly sure what that poster is for. It seems to be the people who didn’t attend the event as I’m aware Getti a.k.a. Daniel Carter – a very nice guy I met at CES 2007, was supposed to go but didn’t make it.

Stefan of intomobile got his CD Yesterday:

(Click for Stefan’s N81 CD) 

Categories: Fun, Go Play, Nseries