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Nokia unlikely to ship Windows Phone 7 powered device… because they are too controlling ???

December 30, 2010 7 comments

An ex Nokia employee has given his voice to Eldar’s and BGR’s ridiculous comments regarding Nokia using Windows Phone 7 in future Nokia phone’s. According to him its not possible and he has written a blog post about it and makes claims that are usually not associated with Nokia, he also says that Windows Phone 7 doesn’t offer any advantages compared to MeeGo or Symbian….

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Categories: aPPLE, Dream Nokia, MeeGo, Symbian

Nokia X7 leaked again

December 7, 2010 34 comments

Oh what do we have here Eldar Murtazin has been leaking pictures of the Nokia X7 and this time in black, he has also promised a preview of the device in due time. Interestingly the X7 also has carrier branding in this case at&t. Find out after the break what Eldar has to say about the device….

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Categories: Leaked, Xseries

Video: Nokia Pocket Dance

November 23, 2010 4 comments

Remember the time when your phone is ringing and your frantically searching your pocket for it? Well Nokia does now and they have made a video with a fun twist to it about that problem. I have got to admit Nokia do a lot of these cool promos which never hit the television which to be honest I don’t get, and it seem to be a good time too with christmas and stuff, for instance  the N8 ads on television have dried up but there is nothing else to replace them which is odd, this could be a good one I reckon.

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Categories: Advert, Video Tags: , ,

MeeGo Handset user experience on Meego 1.1

November 16, 2010 6 comments

During the Meego conference in Dublin some aspects of the Handset user experience for MeeGo 1.1 was shown off. To be exact the home screen, the application launcher and multitasking, now of course this is still early stage but  I can definitely see some signs of an OS that can challenge with the others. Finally some smooth transitions, portrait support ect. The OS has also got a unique look in terms of the colours used. Now this is the stock version and Nokia will definitely be using their own UI framework I suspect, but I do hope they ditch their font for example and go for this one in the stock version. There are definitely things Nokia can take from the stock version and implement it into the N9 without wasting time doing stuff the awkward way. My only problem is time scale it is evident that Meego is still some time off, but with continued support from partners and also new ones like AMD MeeGo I am sure will have a great future.

via Meego News

Categories: MeeGo, Qt, Video

Nokia N8 torture test

November 11, 2010 18 comments

Before Nokia phones get released they go to some tough torture test to make the sure they will survive in real world situations and here is a video from Nokia’s official blog showing tests of N8’s being tested. enjoy 😀

In addition to the drop test, there’s more than 200 other endurance tests that we put new models through to see if they pass muster. Some of the highlights include:

  • Extreme weather: We use special machines to expose them to extreme temperatures from around -40°C to +85°C, helping them to withstand conditions from the cold of the arctic circle to the heat of the Sahara desert.
  • Humidity: We also test for use in tropical and humid parts of the world by placing devices in a special chamber for several weeks where they will experience humidity levels as high as 95%.
  • Clothing: When we carry devices in our back pockets they may bend when we sit down or rub on trouser fibres. We simulate these effects with special machines that bend and twist the device, and one that uses a real pair of jeans to test friction and wear and tear.
  • Pockets: Devices are often in bags or pockets with other items like keys or coins, so we place devices in a special “shaker” machine with hard particles to see how resistant they are.
  • Buttons: People press the main keys on their device an average of 200-300 times every day. To ensure the keypads can respond to this level of use, we press the keys up to one million times in the lab.

via Nokia Conversations

Categories: Nokia, Symbian^3, Test

An Interview with the Nokia C7 Lead Designer

October 28, 2010 1 comment

The Nokia C7 is one of the sexiest devices launched this year, actually it might be the best looking device launched this year and It was a hard choice for me between the C7 and the N8, but the N8 won in the end with the you know what mega feature. Anyway the guys over at the official Nokia blog interviewed the Lead designer of the C7 Tomas Ivaškevičius, in the video he goes through the design process off what I call the hottest looking phone of the year.


Categories: Cseries, News, Nokia, Symbian^3, Video

Best Nokia N8 review ever !!! (Updated)

October 19, 2010 73 comments

Ok the headline might be a bit misleading but I couldn’t resist as I was reading this article that Gizmodo posted on their site and all I was doing while reading the post was laugh my head off, it is possibly the worst post ever written by tech blog. Basically the article is is saying why Gizmodo will not review the N8 and they come with some stupid reasioning that makes them more amateurish than they really are. Don’t get me wrong the N8 has some faults, but seriously this is the site reviwed the frackkin Microsoft KIN and where did that end up?

Didn’t want to give Gizmodo the satisfaction of more pageviews so I have posted some their stupid reasons why here

As much as we’d love to see a great new phone from Nokia, we’re not reviewing the N8. The phone was, unfortunately, irrelevant before it launched. Like a top-of-the-line horse-drawn carriage released shortly after Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon.

Nokia itself has declared that it’s abandoning Symbian for all of its N-Series phones. Nokia serves a billion phones a year, but it’s the N-series that represents everything Nokia wants to be, its ambition forged into tiny pocketfuls of technology. Their phones that geeks gushed about once upon a time. The N8 is the very last of its kind. The head of Symbian even quit today. It’s a dead OS running.

A year ago, after looking at the very best the number one cellphone maker in the world had to offer, I said Nokia faced a particular kind of doom. Not because Nokia won’t keep selling a billion finely engineered cellphones—oh it will—but because it simply doesn’t make the kind of phones that geeks care about anymore. When the most prominent enthusiast site calls it quits because the platform is stagnant, something’s wrong. No wonder Nokia putting all its eggs in the MeeGo basket.

The N8 itself, even in isolation, isn’t very good. It has perhaps the most technologically advanced camera ever packed in a phone. But its unusable. Even as Engadget says the N8 “is easily the best Symbian device that Nokia — or any company, for that matter — has ever made,” the fact is “Symbian^3, sadly, regrettably, heartrendingly, isn’t there yet.”

And well, we don’t like pissing on gravestones all that much, even in October.

BTW I dont read Gizmodo anymore, stopped a long time ago , I found this on twitter and couldn’t resist to comment on such piece of s***, just wanted to make sure that I clarify in saying I don’t usually read that peace of rubbish that calls itself a blog 😀

And to be honest I cant be bothered to link to such an amateurish site

let us in the comments below what you think 😀

Updated: OMG Nokia just commented on the Gizmodo piece with their PR saying

Hi Matt, this is Anna from Nokia PR.

Matt, thanks for your opinion. We’re sorry you have chosen not to review the N8, and it’s ok that you don’t like our products. Millions of other people (and some of your peers at Gizmodo) like our products, but we’re happy to come pick it up from you. There are plenty of other influencers who would appreciate the opportunity to experience the N8.

As you know through various discussions with us, we are committed to the Symbian platform, which is still the world’s most widely used smartphone OS, contrary to your own viewpoint. Our newest Symbian devices are already shipping and we’ve had a record number of preorders for Nokia N8’s. You could’ve bashed the device and we would’ve been ok with it, really. We’ll just send them to people who write a review to help their audience make a decision.

Some companies might be tempted to blacklist you from future reviews, but that’s not our style. However, we have decided to give this N8 away to a lucky consumer – learn how by following @Nokia on Twitter

Categories: Nokia, Nseries, Rant

Nokia N8: How is it going ?

October 16, 2010 72 comments

The Nokia N8 has been out for a couple of days now, and we have seen the reviews which to be honest seem what I expected. But at the end of the day its the costumer that is important. So my question is if you picked up a Nokia N8 what do you think of it? how is it going ? Do you regret your purchase ? What can Nokia improve on ? And one for myself which one would you buy between the Nokia N8 or the C7 and why ? 😀 let us know in the comments below.


Categories: Cseries, Nseries, Symbian^3

N8 dummies at Vodafone

Absolute beauties 😀

While I was strolling though the city centre I spotted that Vodafone had N8 dummies with a coming soon label next to them in store and had to have a quick look and DAMM the devices feel AMAZING and they are only DUMMIES !!!! I wonder how the real devices must feel, I cannot wait to get my hands on a real device still deciding whether to sell the trusty E72 and go for this, after the bad news with the N9 possibly not coming this year my mind has changed a bit and I am again considering this device and the camera decision, decisions…..

Categories: News, Nokia, Nseries, Photos, Symbian

Nokia N8: So advanced its not available yet

This morning on the way to Uni I was flipping through the Metro and found this Tesco ad about the N8 and just had to chuckle and share this with you all 😀 The Nokia N8 so advanced its not even out yet !!!! 😀

BTW the price isn’t bad either £25 per month although its for 24 months


Categories: Advert, News, Nokia, Nseries, Photos