
Archive for April 10, 2009

Bluetooth 3.0 coming April 21st

April 10, 2009 Leave a comment

bluetooth_rings_lgYour phone most likely has Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, capable of achieving 3Mbit/s speeds within about a 10 metre range.

Bluetooth 3.0 is expected to have up to 480Mbit/s transfer rates and with Generic Alternate MAC/PHY (AMP) may allow for WiFi over Bluetooth.

I transfer all my phone media to my computer via Bluetooth. Just select my laptop and send. Only ever waiting a few minutes, at times it does get annoying when I have to wait a while when I’ve got large video files.

But the whole no wires and minimal clicks to send is just so appealing.

How much more convenient when we have such huge transfer speeds? Not just for sending files to computers but sending files to other BT 3.0 phones.

But would I have to be more weary about always leaving my BT on? There’s been scares before with people trying to hack/send viruses or steal information via bluetooth. How much more worrying is it that someone could just swipe GBS of personal information and media in seconds!

HTC Touch Pro2 – What the N97 should have been?

April 10, 2009 5 comments

htc-touch-pro2-nokia-n97With end of May/early June (release of N97) looming, I’m getting some doubts again about what I’m actually looking for in a new phone. Not really “the best out there” but “the best for me” (but as a phone geek it’s very much the same thing)

The N97 claims to be a mobile computer:

  • Relatively large widescreen – CHECK
  • Screen at an angle – CHECK
  • Physical keyboard – CHECK

With those features, N97 seems to be bridging the gap between phones and netbooks. Its keyboard and mass of internal memory is its advantage over the other two similar competitors, Omnia HD and Idou who focus on imaging and entertainment.

What I need in a phone:

I’ve decided to use more mobile internet on my next phone purchase. Ramp up the internet allowance to have some decent “surfage” on the net: blog more and via my mobile, use more internet based services – basically try and be online 24/7 through my phone. A netbook would be good but I can’t fit that in my jeans pocket.

So if I’m going to choose the N97 because of it’s keyboard and angled screen, then it opens up the arena again for other handsets; namely the HTC Touch Pro2.


[Similar looking: N97 vs Touch Pro2]

The HTC Touch Pro2 trumps the N97 ON

  • Screen size and resolution: 3.5″ 640 x 360 VS 3.6″ 800 x 480

HTC’s screen is only 0.1″ bigger than the Nokia’s, but more clarity with the increased pixel count – better for photos and small screen text when viewing the web/documents (although 640×360 is already really good).

  • Screen at an angle – 30 degree only – although very stable with the N97Ā  VS a range of angles and a max of 70 degrees with HTC

The N97’s sliding mechanism is reported to be very robust – I’m not sure about the Touch Pro 2, it looks a little flimsy but it is more versatile.

  • Physical keyboard: 3 row vs 5 row.

The N97’s keyboard is apparently OK according to early reviews, but with only 3 rows and perplexing layout of certain keys, it will take some getting used to. Whilst I can forgive the space bar being on the right and the punctutation hidden amongst the letters, I really dislike the numbers being integrated into the top line of letters.

pic06[N97 keyboard with orange back lighting. Image from Eldar Murtazin, mobile review]

The SU-W8 bluetooth keyboard was just a keyboard but it also merged the top line of numbers with the letter row and, although you get used to it, it’s annoying to have to press the Fn key. (Does anyone know if numbers come up if you long press or do you just get “TTTTTTTTTTTTTT” i.e. long press 6)

200801231600[Nokia N800 with 4-row bluetooth keyboard, SU-W8]

The HTC Touch Pro2 has a stonkingly good keyboard layout. Because the angle of the screen is at the edge (and wider than the N97, 55.5 VS 59.2) it can afford to have pretty much the normal keyboard layout. 5 rows, minimal compromise and although simple – the backlit keys look nicer and clearer.


[HTC Touch Pro2’s great keyboard. Check out the video below from MobileBurn‘s Michael Oryl to see more of it in action]

Something about those orange keys on the N97 make me think about those old car phones of the 90s. Why Nokia? It could have been blue or plain white or dare say a mix it up for certain keys, but why the broad orange? On the up side, the placement of the Dpad would make it good for game play.


[N97 keyboard with orange back lighting. Image from Eldar Murtazin, mobile review]

But only 3.2MP with no flash on the HTC Touch Pro2 is too much of a compromise coming from 5MP with Carl Zeiss optics. Furthermore, I much prefer the look of the “black” N97.


Additional winning points: 32GB internal memory vs 228MB internal (although the HTC can also be extended with memory card) and S60 – which I’m just particularly more familiar but -however, HTC’s done wonders with WinMo 6.1 on the Touch Pro 2.

The HTC’s Touch Pro2 is a lot more enterprise orientated, with interesting features such as “Straight Talk”, not a Macho talk show but HTC’s way of integrating important contact details and innovating conference calling; although both could serve the most conscientious of executives.

Although very much in a niche category too, the more multimedia orientated N97 tagged Facebook for now clinches it for me.

Anyway, I really should be revising and finishing of coursework.

There’s plenty of info about the HTC Touch Pro2 here and the Nokia N97 here.

For a summary comparison check this out:

How the durabiliy of Nokia phones are tested!

April 10, 2009 Leave a comment

Nokia has been well known for a selection of fortuitously rugged phones. I bet many of you still have a working 3300 despite the many times you have dropped it. Or what about that 1600 that was found in the belly of a fish but still worked? My N82 lives even after swimming in a Pint of Guinness. It took a couple of hours rest but its still chugging along.

Here’s a little preview of the upcoming Click report on the BBC News Channel, “Testing times for mobile phones“.


Nokia has opened its test centre doors to TV cameras so we can catch a glimpse at how they test out their devices before sending it out to us.

I’m curious to see exactly what tests they do perform. The video clip from the BBC shows:

  1. Charger in and out tests – some blokes thrusting the nokia charger in and out of the nokia phone
  2. The Trouser test – the nokia phone is placed into what seems to be a sown hammok and swivelled about a centre axis. I don’t ever recall that ever happening in my trousers. They should do a test to see how it feels – if it causing any unsightly bulging. I hope they put keys and coins and other scratchy things with the phone.
  3. Twist test – this is absolutely horrible. The phone is clamped at both poles and twisted. šŸ˜„
  4. twist

  5. Smash test – can’t really tell if it’s being hit or just dropped very quickly
  6. Squeeze test – with the phone horizontal and supported only at the top and bottom, force is applied to the centreĀ  (notice the light turn on, it looks like this N79 is signalling its pain!)
  7. stress

  8. Scratch test – the phones are dunk in churning green and yellow pellets.
  9. Weather test – the phones seem to be tested in extreme temperatures and against water.
  10. Tumble test – the phone is placed in what appears to be a mini fairground ride as it is spun about.

Watch the full report tomorrow on the BBC’s programme Click: 11.30BST, Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 April, BBC News Channel

The most reliable testing of all is unfortunately undertaken by the general consumer, by which time it’s too late for them, but not future consumers who end up with the “i” version or a black “music” version or both.

This brings me onto the subject of:

Nseries Build Rant

We know from the Vertu line up/8800 and co/recent E-series, that Nokia can produce handsets with remarkable build quality and design. So it is bewildering when we see less than desirable, ill-fitting, squeaky plastics take front seats on the material list for what’s meant to be the uberly precious N-series.

It has been particularly laughable at times, remember the N93’s amazing rubber doors for pop-port/memory card? (By heck loads of things were wrong with that phone design wise – as much as I love it)

Or what about the dire chrome peeling that happened to the N76? (Ironically survived being ridden over by a stretch Hummer but not the evil that is the sweat of your hand).

Not forgetting the slide issues with the N95 (experienced by a few, not me though) or it’s awful battery cover that just broke if you looked at it.

Nseries has been getting better, design and build quality wise. Much more refined than before but I do wish they’d consider using real metal/glass.Ā  (instead of plastic brushed metal effects or fake chrome).Ā  This way the N range of multimedia computers will look and feel as expensive as their actual price tags :p.