
Posts Tagged ‘N87’

Leaked: Nokia Nseries N00 Prototype C: 12MP, xenon and N95 form factor.

November 29, 2010 42 comments

Thanks Adnan who found this on eBay (via Symbian Tweet and Smartphone Arena)- here we can see what is supposedly a Nokia Prototype found on eBay. It sports a slide out keypad like the N95 family (N85, N86, N96) and bears a Carl Zeiss 12MP camera with Xenon Flash.

There’s also a kickstand like the N86. The eBay page names this as the N87 (rumoured a while ago as the 12mp xenon snapper – which we thought turned out to be the Nokia N8). N00 is quite normal for proto.

Is this an early prototype that’s been resigned to before even hitting the shelves or possibly something coming soon? It’s like finding a secret member of the family after all these years. The design on the face doesn’t look very contemporary. No one does sticky out buttons any more. Certainly not a splattering of them. A China clone perhaps? But no clone has ever replicated xenon. A remnant of a cancelled Nseries. Certainly would have been enticed by this more so than N96/N86.

The front sports a Read more…