Home > Nokia, OVI > Ovi Store hits over 1 Billion/year download rate with 3 Million downloads a day!

Ovi Store hits over 1 Billion/year download rate with 3 Million downloads a day!

Ovi Store grows again! It’s not a surprise since content AND handsets are ramping up. Ovi Store downloads are now at 3 million a day or 1.065 Billion per year were Ovi Store NOT to grow for 365 days.

  • Over 165 million Ovi Users, across more than 190 countries
  • 250,000 new users every day
  • 90% of visits lead to app download
  • On average, each registered visitor downloads 2.6 apps (per what?)
  • 92 developers have reached the 1-million+ download milestone each for their apps
  • 1.5 million downloads of the Qt SDK in 2010
  • 400,000 new developers have signed up with Forum Nokia over the last year

Nokia Conversations / Nokia / Mobile-ent


Thanks to Yoel Gvirtz, Alex Kerr and GadgetBuff for the heads up




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  1. Mark Anderson
    November 18, 2010 at 3:17 pm

    The rate of acceleration is quite impressive and only set to increase given the improved capabilities of the new handsets.

    • Keith
      November 18, 2010 at 3:22 pm

      I can imagine Ovi store right up there with Android market and Apple Appstore in a couple years!

  2. lonely_cent
    November 18, 2010 at 3:33 pm

    i am more impressed of this.
    ‘400,000 new developers’
    1.5 million downloads of the Qt SDK in 2010

    • Rant
      November 18, 2010 at 3:52 pm

      400.000 new developers could be because of the easy RSS app maker. If I were to make one, I might be seen as a developer. Or it’s just a type and they mean 40.000 which seems more believable. Or they mean a total of 400.000 developers?

      • Andre
        November 18, 2010 at 5:31 pm

        The downloads of the Qt SDK are more important.

        Non-devs have no reason to download that thing and yet there have been 1.5 mill??

        Even if a couple thousand are Nokia or Nokia contracted devs. It’s a damn massive amount. If even 1% of those that download the SDK put apps out there, what do you think will be the end result???

        That’s the number I find hard to believe

        • Jim
          November 18, 2010 at 5:53 pm

          1.5 mil downloads doesn’t mean 1.5 mil developers. I download 4 versions of qt sdk in the last 6 months and not all the qt developers are developing for mobile. most of them are desktop developers. however qt developers number has been massively increased over the last 2 years and it will increase once meego will be released, specially meego tablets which are more close to desktop in terms of screen size

          • andre
            November 18, 2010 at 6:06 pm

            Jim imagine that the average developer has downloaded the Nokia qt sdk 5 times and of those devs only 1/3 of them are developing for mobile. Further still, imagine that only 10% go on to develop apps. Based on my crude math, that’s 10000 devs on a fledgling platform that’s only been in the wild for 7 months and had no real supporting devices til September.
            Noone in their right mind should dismiss that. I’m sure i’m underestimating the figures too.

          • Jim
            November 18, 2010 at 6:11 pm

            @andre I’m curious to see how the number of apps will increase once the qt 4.7 (with qt quick ) will be available on S^3 starting Q1 2011. A lot of people including myself are building apps in qt quick because it’s quicker and the apps look more touch friendly.

      • Roger
        November 18, 2010 at 5:38 pm

        > Or it’s just a type and they mean 40.000 which seems more believable.

        Nope. It is actually 400,000 NEW developers. Yes, really. Believe it.

  3. lonely_cent
    November 18, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    anyone knows how many N8 units sold to date?

    • Andre
      November 18, 2010 at 5:38 pm

      End of Q4 sales figures should tell us that story, wait til January, we’re definitely going to see some massive numbers.

      >50 million overall smartphones for Q4 looks to be in the bag IMO

      • Roger
        November 18, 2010 at 5:39 pm

        No no no, Symbian’s dying, Nokia’s on the ropes, blah blah blah


  4. Rant
    November 18, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    These numbers are nice, going strong. But the store (on the desktop web) needs some tweaks. One very simple thing is the app names when it is in list view. The names are to small and don’t seem clickable at first.
    Had it some times that I clicked on the developer rather than the app. Simple change is: font-weight: bold and an size up of the font to about 14px.
    In my humble opinion this makes a great deal of difference to the readability of the app name and the click rate on the particular app rather than the developer name.

    • Rant
      November 18, 2010 at 3:51 pm

      While this would lead to fragmentation I would like to see a more significant line between the S3 apps and S1 apps. And a better filtering of apps, there is a lot of crappy apps there. And I don’t mean fart apps or something, but the general design of apps or the guarantee that the app actually works. There are a few that just don’t work. Even some made by respected sources.

      • dsmobile
        November 18, 2010 at 4:27 pm

        Well Next step with symbian “S^4” will sure make those S^1 out of the picture. But yes I agree they really should make it very clear split there for apps that are made for S^3.

        • Andre
          November 18, 2010 at 5:37 pm

          Do you happen to know when auto-checking for updates will go live in the store??

        • Don
          November 18, 2010 at 7:22 pm

          Has it been decided that backwards compatibility will be thrown out at some point, even on former S^3 devices?

          I.e. there will suddenly be a firmware update which is without Avkon?

          • dsmobile
            November 18, 2010 at 8:21 pm

            well they must to do that in some point. ofc. you can skip that update if there really is some apps that haven’t got new version. 🙂

          • alex68
            November 18, 2010 at 8:29 pm

            Dropping Avkon may happen after 2 years. It may happen on new phones with an new OS which doesnot get updated on old phones because it may break the old phones if some legacy Apps are installed already. This is just my speculation how it should work.

          • Don
            November 18, 2010 at 8:41 pm

            dsmobile: true, but then what would be in the “s^4 update” you sometimes mention?

            alex: but that is exactly the the S^3/S^4 story ? So what changed?

      • Dave
        November 18, 2010 at 4:47 pm

        True … but there’s the same issue on the iOS App Store and the Android Marketplace, neither company seems to want to do anything about it.

        But they could do with some way of flagging application as designed for S^1, but “should be compatible” with S^3, etc.

        • Andre
          November 18, 2010 at 5:36 pm

          Actually, the apps when submitted have specific tags for what devices they’re compatible with and those apps will only show up when accessed from a compatible device. IMO, they’re not stringent enough in saying a crappy app developed for S^1 while “compatible” doesn’t work very well.

          In essence, more stringent curation and criteria is a MUST for the store going forward

      • Andre
        November 18, 2010 at 5:35 pm

        Fragmentation shouldn’t be an issue if devs are using Qt.
        They’re not, for various reasons I suppose but filtering out the crap should definitely be a priority

  5. andre
    November 18, 2010 at 6:26 pm

    @jim Have they finalized the spec for qml? The things I’ve seen done with it have me itching to see both the new ui and the apps on the way

    • Jim
      November 18, 2010 at 7:26 pm

      what do you mean by finalizing the specs for qml? I think it’s for all symbian touch devices but I target only S^3 devices because I see apps running smoother on this devices.

      • Don
        November 18, 2010 at 7:35 pm

        I guess he means the official QtQuick 1.0 QML API, i.e. no more “this property will be renamed before final release” etc.

        But since QML is officially supported since 4.7.0 I guess the 1.0 spec is final, and any API changes will be 1.x or 2.x etc.

        Does anyone know any technical background on why Qt by default uses OpenVG as the rendering backend instead of for example OpenGL ES 2.0 ? (Except that the latter was not supported until 4.7.1 so perhaps they’re waiting for it to stabilize). Future QML scenegraph work is also OpenGL based.

        • andre
          November 18, 2010 at 8:20 pm

          That’s what i meant…is the api stable too? As in it wont be changing?

          • Jim
            November 18, 2010 at 8:31 pm

            Yes you can use import qt 4.7 or import QtQuick 1.0

            but for future releases it will be only import QtQuick 1.x

  6. dsmobile
    November 18, 2010 at 8:40 pm

    alex68 :
    Dropping Avkon may happen after 2 years. It may happen on new phones with an new OS which doesnot get updated on old phones because it may break the old phones if some legacy Apps are installed already. This is just my speculation how it should work.

    Well N8 running with S^4 is old news so if they want they can pretty much give it full blown update when time comes.

  7. alex68
    November 18, 2010 at 8:53 pm


    To my understanding, the FULL QT UI has nothing to do with Avkon dropping. The death of Avkon will happen after a full QT UI transition in place already (expected H1 of 2011) and the dropping of Avkon should not be visible effects (in terms of UI etc) unless for some legacy Apps already running on some old phones.

    There is no doubt that rewriting Symbian if not from a scratch should happen sooner than later and that’s the chance Avkon will quite its role in Symbian totally. Symbian need better and manageable APIs. The current complexity of Avkon is big headache for developers inside both outside. Remember QT always needs some kind of manual coding, and developers have to cope with Symbian APIs at certain level anyway.

    All this is my theory and speculation.

    • alex68
      November 18, 2010 at 9:16 pm

      Correction: for developers both inside and outside.

    • alex68
      November 18, 2010 at 9:17 pm

      Next March Nokia will make a decision on the Symbian foundation and we may see clues better.

    • Don
      November 18, 2010 at 9:18 pm

      Thanks your detailed replies and contributions alex!

      The angle I am coming from, is if it really is possible to go to a full Qt UI and still let S^1 applications run. Remember things like screensavers, theming code, native homescreen widgets, etc, could S^1 versions really run once Qt takes over the homescreen and UI framework? Or are we talking about replacing applications only? I think you must drop a lot of backward compatibility for a “full” Qt Symbian. Now personally I would love that, but if Nokia promised S^1 compatibility for its Symbian phones, this makes things difficult as they can’t just drop it.

      Another interesting, though unrelated, thing when looking at git commit logs, is some hints that Symbian development support for Linux is also coming. It has been sort of possible with some pre-processing of the SDK (backslashes, uppercases, etc), though very annoying, but if they include the SDK all setup to go inside the Nokia Qt SDK it would work. Any insider info? 🙂

      • alex68
        November 18, 2010 at 9:29 pm

        Your question is very technical and detailed. I have to consult some low level engineers sometime when I get a chance. I will mark your question and remember to do for you.

      • alex68
        November 19, 2010 at 9:38 pm

        Avkon supports two UI for Symbian 1 and QT applications, respectively. It is just a wrapper layer/APIs for Symbian 1 and QT applications to access the low level Symbian services. When there is FULL QT UI running on Symbian, legacy Symbian 1 Applications are still able to run on Symbian. I am not so sure how it is implemented. There are many approaches to handle it.

        One approach that I would consider for example is to use a macro to mark Symbian 1 APIs, if there is any plan to drop Symbian 1 support at some time point. When time comes to drop Symbian 1 support, just simply drop it using compilation options.

        BTW, QT is REALLY much fast than Symbian Apps.

        Yes, Symbian support Linux development env. You can develop Symbian Application on Linux and build for Symbian. The runnable will auto-link to Symbian lib.

        Hope this helps.

        • ahsan
          November 19, 2010 at 9:59 pm

          So what i get is

          take n8 for example , in around 2011 it will get the new qt ui . that ui will be compatible with avkon and will be able to run the s1 apps and qt apps just like s3 . and somewhere in the future , say 3 odd years later nokia would drop support for avkon as well and there will be only qt right? cool = ) oh and btw alex you said s60 v5th [s1] was going to get a new browser too , is that coming alongside the e7 as well?

          • alex68
            November 19, 2010 at 10:09 pm

            More precisely dropping Symbian 1, not Avkon, but Avkon will not be the same one as before.

            Yes, S1 new browser is coming.

          • alex68
            November 19, 2010 at 10:30 pm

            Improved S1 browser is coming with E7. Another QT based browser is also coming later for all symbian 3.

  8. ahsan
    November 19, 2010 at 10:32 pm


    “but avkon will not be the same one as before”

    I think I missed something here mate O.o

    P.s Just wanted to thank you for the all info you give us all :S

    • alex68
      November 19, 2010 at 10:55 pm

      If you are not a developer, you really don’t need to worry about it.

      • ahsan
        November 20, 2010 at 8:37 am

        :S i ought to wait till next year then

  9. ahsan
    November 19, 2010 at 10:36 pm

    alex68 :
    Improved S1 browser is coming with E7. Another QT based browser is also coming later for all symbian 3.

    hmm will say the 5800 get the “improved s1 browser” ? or is it something just for the e7 ? and why would you improve the s1 browser on the e7 when its getting a new qt one in a matter of weeks O.o make the s1 browser for the s1 devices n97/n97 mini / x6/ 5800 etc !

    • alex68
      November 19, 2010 at 10:50 pm

      The current browser used for Symbian 3 is Symbian 1 version with some tweaks. Not sure if it actually works on Symbian 1. Hmmm, it makes sense to improve S1 browser if it also works on Symbian 1 phones (I don’t know but see no reason why not). If new QT browser can not be shipped with E7, there is something better (than nothing) for browser when the improvement does not require a lot of work …

      E7 should be shipped with better quality of software. This is the whole idea. And all the improvements (if applicable to the phones) will be available for Symbian 3.

  1. November 19, 2010 at 4:03 pm
  2. December 6, 2010 at 5:39 pm

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