Home > Nokia, Nseries > BLIND TEST: Nokia N8 versus Samsung Pixon 12 versus Sony HX5

BLIND TEST: Nokia N8 versus Samsung Pixon 12 versus Sony HX5

High expectations have been placed on the Nokia N8’s much advertised camera. Comparisons have flung here and there and now the much awaited coverage by GSM Arena begins. First with a blind test to figure out WHICH IMAGES YOU THINK HAS DONE BEST, NOT GUESS WHICH IS THE CAMERA.

More images over at GSM Arena

We have (somewhere) the Nokia N8 phone, the Samsung Pixon 12 phone and the dedicated digital camera, Sony’s HX5.

Larger image available, not full res (I’m guessing because of the Sony’s 25mm wide angle would look obvious which one it was)

GSM Arena

And to add to their objectivity:

Tomorrow we’ll also publish our first preview of Nokia N8. It won’t be the full-blown, detailed thing you’re used to but a shorter version. We’ll release the full-length article once we get through the streak of bad weather we’ve been having for a while. Cameraphones are best judged on a sunny day when they are at their greatest. And the Nokia N8 is a fine shooter that deserves the effort.

So which one wins it out for you?


A. Sony HX5

B. Samsung Pixon 12

C. Nokia N8

Categories: Nokia, Nseries Tags: , , , ,
  1. Hawke
    October 6, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    C is N8!! N8 has won!!!!!!

  2. October 6, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    Well, the results are out already! And yes, am I happy I guessed right!

    C is the Nokia,
    A is the Sony, and
    B is the Samsung!


  3. October 6, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    Was surprised myself – at first look I thought C produced best pictures and assumed that was the Sony CAM. Some thought on the more natural looking colours, less contrast, less saturation made it obvious it was possibly N8.

    Great it turned out this way, as predicted CAB (see tag).

  4. anonimo
    December 6, 2010 at 11:28 pm

    bem pessoal visto que o mundo inteiro gira a volta da nokia so tenho algo a dixer …..se nao for akela cAM COM CARL ZEISS nada safaria a nokia ……em questao de touch a nokia ainda tem muito a melhorar visto que a samsung nesse campo ganha em rapidez e modo de uso…..mas temos que tambem lembrar que o pixon ja tem cerca de ano e meio e o n8 ainda agora ser lançado…..quem nos diz que a samsung ja nao esta a espera desse tal anunciado n8 pa lançar uma bomba ca para fora???????

Comment pages
  1. October 6, 2010 at 8:47 pm

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